How to rent everyday apartments and cabins in Saudi Arabia

Investments in the sector of apartments, villas, guest rooms and residential units

If you are considering Apartment for rent or Chalet for rent or daily guest houses, villas, rooms, camps, etc., is considered one of the new areas of the Saudi Arabian market, as investments in this area were previously limited to registered well-known companies and hotels. The Ministry of Tourism is also committed to promoting and removing obstacles and has organized the system in this field under the name of “Private Hospitality Facilities”. It has also established a regulation explaining that no one can travel without a “Private Hospitality Facilities” license. engage in this activity. 1

  • Private tourist hospitality facilities must be located on property designated for residential or agricultural use
  • The number of licenses issued to each property shall not exceed (3) licenses.

Conditions for allowing private hospitality units 1

  • Have Saudi Arabian nationality.
  • Provide a title deed or electronic lease document evidencing the property or ownership or right to use the property.
  • Owners of common property where private facilities are located have no objection to day rentals.
  • Data must be official and updated for applicants and tourism hosting agencies.

How to Get a Private Hospitality Unit License for Daily Rental Apartments

Anyone who wants to invest in this sector and meets the requirements can submit an application form through the Ministry of Tourism website, as the host or investor must commit to a number of matters that ensure the quality of the services provided, ensure safety and tourism. The Ministry provides integrity of information and data and ensures transparency in prices of services provided and published by travel and tourism service providers in compliance with regulations. He must also undertake to guarantee his rights in relation to the booking and payment procedures. For more details, please visit This article.

How to rent apartments, cabins, guest houses and other private hospitality units

Apartment pictures representing daily rental apartments
Apartment pictures representing daily rental apartments

It is also keen on developing tourism by providing convenient conditions and creating tourism projects and activities in different areas and times to stimulate investors in the sector, especially in daily and monthly rental apartments, cottages, etc.

Furthermore, in some areas, the daily rent of an apartment is considered to be a relatively higher income than the annual rent, since investors must be familiar with the programs of the Ministry of Tourism and the activities carried out by the General Directorate of Recreation and various localities and institutions. International conferences to be able to target visitors or guests who come to attend.

It is recommended to check the conference schedule on multiple platforms, which are updated regularly, such as “Riyadh Events”. 2 Entertainment programs and events in the region include regular shows such as “Spirit of Saudi Arabia”. 3

After reviewing these forms and sources, decisions can be made directly on various areas of investment real estate, including, for example (Daily lounge rental , rest rental , Daily cabin rental, Chalet for rent, Daily room rental, Alfa for rent, daily apartments for rent , Apartment for rent , Residential unit daily rent, Daily serviced room rentalor monthly) because the type of nearby events helps make appropriate investment decisions.

Anyone who owns a property can enter this sector, offering daily rentals of the whole or part of the property, paying attention to the implementation of the requirements of the Ministry of Tourism and providing competitive services that enhance the ability of investors or landlords to obtain positive returns. Get reviews for bookings and higher occupancy of this property.

It is recommended to determine the target class and its type before starting to invest in this area, since it is necessary to determine the size of the units and capacity in order to be able to determine the type of furniture and finishes that will satisfy the wishes and wishes of the guests.

Private hotel units must also market through licensed marketing platforms, the most important of which are: daz and Daraz App. 4

What is Daraz?

Darz is one of the largest platforms for the marketing and presentation of private hotel units and is considered the platform for daily rental of private real estate units (apartments, chalets, etc.) in Saudi Arabia, with an innovative system that enables negotiation and submission of booking offers. , which is licensed by the Saudi Arabian Ministry of Tourism.

Why rent an apartment or cottage in Dalz and not somewhere else?

The advantage of Daraz over other websites is not only that it helps you get more traffic to your property, but it also helps you learn more about your tenants and most importantly, you can learn more about the price of your unit.

Although there are many advantages, we summarize the most important ones below:

  • System for receiving booking offers
    The ability to negotiate and receive reservation quotes from guests provides flexibility in setting prices and selecting guests, as reservations are only approved after the host approves and provides a quote to the guest.
Image showing offer submission and negotiation functionality on the Daraz platform
  • Automatically link to your organization table
    iCal Auto Sync technology connects your unit booking schedules with the global platform to automatically update and modify bookings in Daraz unit schedules, which helps manage bookings and avoid double bookings.
Calendar image showing synchronization of calendar bookings between marketing and presentation platforms and organizations
  • Trustworthy guests and hosts
    Because trustworthiness is the foundation of Badaz, all Saudi Arabian users are authenticated through the national verification service, and guests from outside the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia are also authenticated through other methods.
An image shows a man and a woman wearing Saudi Arabian uniforms and smiling with the Darz logo

Features of Daraz Quotation and Negotiation System

The system features a unique feature that enables hosts to receive quotes from guests as an additional option to direct bookings. This allows hosts to offer nightly rates that differ from the specific terms set by the host.

This feature provides hosts with an excellent opportunity to review booking requests and guest information before approving them and ensure that duplicate bookings with other platforms are avoided. Organizers may also permanently or temporarily disable the receipt of bids at their option.

Additionally, landlords can adjust settings to automatically reject low-ball offers without warning, which helps reduce inconvenience and provide a detailed statement of rejected offers to help landlords understand pricing for the units on offer.

This feature allows for dialogue between hosts and guests to facilitate communication and agreement when needed, but is considered an add-on feature as the system is designed to automatically negotiate at the touch of a button. It also increases the chances of the equipment being up and running, especially for same-day or long-term bookings.

Join Darz as a host

To join Daraz you can click on the join link You can also enjoy lower commissions if you join during the founding hosting period shown on the platform.


  1. According to the Saudi Arabian Ministry of Tourism website –
  2. Riyadh events calendar page – ()
  3. Saudi Arabian Spiritual Website – ()
  4. Darz official website –
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