Four Benefits of Direct Primary Care

The way Americans view the present health care system is changing. The focus on preventative medicine by primary care providers is geared towards saving Americans money and improving overall quality of life.

The rise of physicians practicing through direct primary care has attracted countless new patients interested in the multiple benefits through their services.

The advantages offered through direct primary care doctors might change your perspective as well. What are these benefits?

1. Saves Money

We all want to save money. Whether we cut out coupons at home, scan grocery store sale ads, or stand in line for six hours after Thanksgiving for the Black Friday deals.

Health care is one of the biggest financial burdens for most individuals and families. The uninsured are scared of getting sick and dealing with devastating doctor or hospital bills. They are easily deterred from seeking medical consultation and treatment.Research shows that patients who switch to direct primary care providers save money on health care costs. There are less hospital and doctor visits due to their doctor’s focus on preventative medicine.

Direct primary care providers cut out the middle men of third party payers called insurance companies. This brings down the cost of health care. Instead of paying an insurance company and then finding a doctor approved by your insurance, you’re directly connected to a physician of your choosing. No walls or hurdles block your access to the right doctor for you.

For direct primary care, patients pay an annual rate that includes constant check-ups and other services aimed at keeping them healthy. You no longer go to the doctor when you’re sick, but you go to see how they can help you lead a better life.

2. Redefines the Doctor/Patient Relationship

People dread seeing the doctor. They want to feel better, but don’t want to get crushed by high costs. The financial burden associated with doctor visits and medical treatments negatively affects the doctor/patient relationship.

Direct primary care redefines that relationship and the patient’s perspective. Physicians want to have stronger connections to their patients that are not affected by unreasonable costs or insurance companies. They are eager to transform the way people see the medical profession.

Direct primary care providers are making huge strides in changing the way people view the medical profession.

3. Healthier People

Instead of solely treating patients when they need it, doctors help prevent detrimental health problems from occurring in the first place. Their comprehensive primary care targets this goal of prevention.Ongoing consultation keys long term healh. Hopefully preventative care will bring down obesity rates and other health concerns that plague Americans.

4. Cuts Out Third-Party Payers

Health care is less confusing. You no longer have to deal with the third-party payment system. Insurance providers tend to complicate health care and inflate costs. Life is easier when you can simply pay your doctor directly for the services they provided.

You no longer have to jump through any ridiculous hoops. Direct primary care providers simplify the health care process.

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