One Solution for Many Health Problems
Aamla word comes from Sanskrit word amalika. It is also known as aamalaki, Dhatri. As a botanical it is known as Phyllanthus emblica linn / officinalis gaertn. In English it is called as Indian gooseberry. It is the most beneficial fruit and a rejuvenative drug. It would not been wrong to say that amla is the highest herb to prevent diseases. Aamla taken in any form is beneficially to our body because it is full of medical properties and the richest source of vitamin C. It has ample amount of property that curing many diseases. Here’s is the list of gooseberry benefits for health.
- 1. Gooseberry is beneficial for diabetic patient. It is rich in chromium that helpful to decreasing the blood sugar. Mix the gooseberry and jamun powder and take the two times with water in a day. It helps in curing diabetes.
- 2. It curbs the hair loss, strengthen the root and growth.
- 3. Great for curing diarrhea and dysentery.
- 4. Advice to take aamla for better sex life.
- 5. It purifies the blood, which increases the skin beauty and also increases the low sperm count.
- 6. Beneficial for skin disorder.
- 7. Rejuvenate the organ system.
- 8 .Take the aamla with honey to improve the eyesight.
- 9. Aamla is the rich source of vitamin C, which is good for cold and cough.
- 10. as aamla ingredient mix in other ingredient called ‘HARDA’ & ‘BEHDA’. These three ingredients have gives miraculous results in body and mind.
- 11. Known as a rich fruit for weight control.
- 12. Beneficial for acne problem.
- 13. Good to cure the teeth and nail problems.
- 14. Aamla powder prevent the hair from dandruff
- 15. Strengthen heart muscles.
- 16. It is good in fever.
- 17. It is the excellent lice tonic for liver disorder.
- 18. To cure acidity completely, take the Indian gooseberry powder with sugar milk every day.
- 19.To apply the amala oil before bathing removes the disease of eye blindness eyesight and bilious giddiness
- 20. Good for anemia patient. It increases Hemoglobin or red blood cell production.
- 21. excellent for digestive system
- 22. Cure the urine problem
- 23. Respiratory problems
- 24. To cure the piles problem take the aamla juice with one spoon honey half spoon ghee and 100grams milk after meal.
- 25. Good for brain. It improves the memory.
- 26. It strengthens the heart and lungs.
- > 27. Revitalizes the semen with the help of aamla. It is helpful to improve the quality of sperms.
- 28. It lowers cholesterol level.
- 29. Take it regular to reduce the menstrual disorders.
- 30. To take Aamla powder is good for stone problem. It breaking the stones and throwing it out with urine.
Gooseberry is used in food items pickle, Jam, Juice and chutney. It is also used in Chyavan Prash. This is a powerful tonic or you can say a special diet that is made with 18 root and herbs in an indian gooseberry paste. Gooseberry used in Ayurveda for various medicines. Gooseberry is one of the best herbs for everyone to consume on daily basis without any side effect.